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Les Gouts-Reunis ou Nouveaux Concerts, V2 - OB/PN or OB/BSN/PN (Basso Continuo)

Composer: Couperin, François

Publisher: Musica Rara (Germany)

Edition: 64602


Les Gouts-Reunis ou Nouveaux Concerts, Volume 2
for oboe (or violin or flute) and bassoon continuo
by Francois Couperin (1668-1733) - French Baroque composer, organist, and harpsichordist
Volume 2
X. Neuvieme Concert
I. Le Charme: Gracieusement, et gravement
II. L'enjouement Gayement
III. Les Graces Courante francoise
IV. Le je-ne-scay-quoy Gayement
V. La Vivacite
VI. La Noble Fierte Sarabande Gravement
VII. La Douceur Amoureusement
VIII. L'et Coetera ou Menuets
X. Dixieme Concert
I. Prelude: Gravement et mesure
II. Air Tendre et Loure, Sans lenteur
III. The third movement is only to be found in Volume 3 HERE
IV. La Tromba: Legerement
XI. Onzieme Concert
I. Prelude: Majestueusement, sans trop de lenteur
II. Allemande: Fierement, sans lenteur
III. Seconde Allemande plus Legere
IV. Courante
V. Courante: Majeur
VI. Sarabande tres grave, et tres marquee
VII. Gigue Louree
VIII. Rondeau Legerement et Galament
XIV. Quatorzieme Concert
I. Prelude: Gravement
II. Allemande: Vivement
III. Sarabande: Grave
IV. Fuguete

Edited by David Lasocki. This work is listed for oboe and basso continuo as well as for oboe, bassoon, and piano. The oboe (or violin or flute) is the solo voice, and there is keyboard accompaniment. There is also a basso part included, playable on any bass clef instrument. Unlike most basso parts, however, the writing in these works is very involved, making the basso line almost equal to the solo line, thus the unique listing.

Volume I is available HERE.

Volume III is available HERE