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The New Weissenborn Method for Bassoon, Volume II (Spaniol) - BSN

Composer: Weissenborn, Julius

Publisher: Hal Leonard

Edition: 53816


The New Weissenborn Method for Bassoon, Volume II
for bassoon
by Julius Weissenborn (1837-1888) - German bassoonist, composer, and pedagogue

Edited by Doug Spaniol
Volume I of The New Weissenborn Method for Bassoon (“a must for all young bassoon students” - The Double Reed; “a landmark in pedagogy” - Double Reed News) presented an updated, user-friendly version of Julius Weissenborn's seminal work for beginning bassoon students.

Now, Volume II provides Weissenborn's advanced teaching material in a similar modern, easy-to-use edition. With well-organized lessons, supplemental materials, and advanced fingering charts, Volume II of The New Weissenborn Method for Bassoon is a must-have for advanced bassoon students.


• Spiral-bound book lays flat on the stand and will last for years

• At 190 pages, it weighs just 22 ounces and fits easily into most music pouches

• Material is presented in well-organized lessons with no bad page turns and minimal need to flip between sections of the book

• New expanded editions of Weissenborn's Advanced Studies, Op. 8, No. 2 and Milde's Scale and Chord Studies, Op. 25. Six of the Advanced Studies are provided in two keys - the key Weissenborn originally intended, plus the key in which it was first published - for a total of 56 Advanced Studies. The Milde Scale and Chord Studies contain nine bonus etudes to cover all 15 key signatures and to practice chromatic scales in a variety of keys.

• Table of Contents and Reference Charts make it easy to find specific etudes when needed

• Supplemental Materials include: Double-tonguing and triple-tonguing exercises by Arban; Sight-reading/rhythmic etudes by Bona; and select etudes from Weissenborn's Op. 8, No. 1

• Introduces all notes up to E5 with logical pacing and plenty of material to master each new note

• Covers all Major and Minor Keys through seven sharps and seven flats, with long tones, scales, and arpeggios for each key

The First Volume of The New Weissenborn Method for Bassoon is available as HL 842426.