Music for Oboe: Zeitgenossische Solostudien - SOLO OB [POP]
Composer: Collection
Publisher: Deutsche Verlag fur Music (Germany)
Edition: 60180
Musik fur Oboe: Zeitgenossische Solostudien
for unaccompanied oboe
This collection includes:
for unaccompanied oboe
This collection includes:
1. Three Solo Pieces by Gottfried Glockner
I. Hirtenweise
II. Phantasiestuck
III. Figurenspiel
2. Vogelscherzo by Kurt Schwaen
3. Two Intermezzos by Wolfgang Hocke
I. Andante cantabile
II. Presto
4. Studie I by Gunter Habicht
5. Studie II by Gunter Habicht
6. Two Solo Studies by Rainer Litsche
I. Allegretto giocoso
II. Monolog
7. Two Studies for Solo Oboe by Siegfried Thiele
I. Frei, ruhig
II. Lebhaft bewegt
8. Three Character Pieces by Iwan Iwanow
I. Walzer
II. Elegie
III. Burleske
9. Four Solo Studies by Iwan Iwanov
I. Maestoso
II. Andante
III. Moderato
IV. Adagio
10. Puccini-Studie by Reinhard Wolschina
11. Invention I by Reinhard Wolschina
12. Invention II by Reinhard Wolschina
13. Hongrois by Fritz Rosler
Edited by Rudiger Schwarz. A collection of 20th music for solo oboe by European (mostly German) composers, such as Denisov, Herchet, Schenker and others.
4/7/2021 This title is out of print and we have sold our last copy.
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