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Composer: Davis, Daniel

Publisher: Daniel Davis (composer)

Edition: 59782


Reflections upon being lost, vivid dreams, Shakespeare, and Bach
for contrabassoon and harp
by Daniel Paul Davis- American composer
1. O for a muse of fire
2. When I waked, I cried to dream again
3. Come, now a roundel and a fairy song
I took a long walk alone in the forest of Yoyogi Park in Tokyo, Japan. it was beautiful, quiet, and spiritually powerful. My experience in the park inspired the music of this piece. I was at an IDRS convention surrounded by oboes and bassoons, and very few contrabassoons. On my walk into a densely forested park, lovely green, humid heat, a shrine, an overcast sky, blistered foot, and dead cell phone. My internal compass got all turned around and I left the park caddy-corner from my entry way, but I eventually worked my way back. In the month that followed I awoke from many dreams that dwelt in this place and those feelings that were generated by my experiences. I began associating my dreams with Shakespearean scenes, and losing oneself in this reality turned fantasy. Some of the dreams were so engaging that I wished that I could continue to dwell in the dream. B.A.C.H. makes a brief guiding appearance in pitch, and generates a conclusive passage for the first movement and reappears in the third movement. 
--Daniel Davis
Duration: 11:30