Helpful Hints
Searching through our site:
Our website allows for searches by instrumentation, or composer, or publisher, as well as a keyword search. An easy way to find how many specific editions of a piece is to use the keywords search. Many works are easy to find by entering the commonly used cataloging conventions for that composer. For example, to search for Vivaldi Concerto Fanna VIII #13, search for "F8#13". To search for anything related to the Mozart Oboe Concerto, the Koechel number is helpful - use the keyword search of "k314", and you will find various editions of the concerto (Oboe/Strings, Oboe/Piano) as well as published cadenzas. Using both the composer's name and cataloging information will not generally produce accurate results (for example: entering "Sousa Stars Stripes" shows all of the different arrangements of that march we have.
Over time, we will be adding more keywords to make searching even more powerful.
We will be also adding several categories for popular searches or collections (examples include "Woodwind Quintet" or "Bassoon Methods and Etudes").
Be sure to check composer = MISC or TRAD for pieces found in "albums" and "collections". Also, don't limit your search to just composer or instrument. Sometimes, it is helpful to see what a particular publisher offers.