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The Bassoon Reed Manual - BOOK

Composer: Skinner, Lou

Publisher: Indiana University Press

Edition: 61967


The Bassoon Reed Manual
Lou Skinner's Theories and Techniques
by James R. McKay
Contributing Authors: Russell Hinkle and William Woodward


"... an extraordinary book, monumental and challenging... Buy this book and immerse yourself in it. You will enter a new world." - American Musical Instrument Society Newsletter

With the help of author James McKay, the late Louis Skinner, America’s master bassoon reedmaker, documented his techniques for making specialized and general purpose reeds for the bassoon and the contrabassoon. In this work, step-by-step explanations of reedmaking techniques are complemented by photographs and drawings, making every procedure clear. Throughout, the emphasis is on giving practical advice, not just giving steps to follow but explaining why they are important.